Daily Light – Feb 26, 2018

Your daily goal:
Philippians 3:14  “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”   
(Monday-Friday, from my morning quiet time, I will write a short thought for that day which I pray God will use to motivate you to ‘GO’ for that day.  Your objective is simple…to GO…to GO OUT and share the love of Christ with someone in that day….to GO and bear fruit …to be light to the world.)
Today’s Daily Light
The Search For Significance
When Christ told His disciples, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32), He was referring not only to an intellectual assent to the truth but also to the application of truth in the most basic issues of life:  our goals, our motives, and our sense of self-worth.  Unfortunately, many of us give only lip service to the powerful truths of the Scriptures without allowing them to affect the basis of our self-esteem in a radical way.  Instead, we continue to seek our security and purposes from worldly sources:  personal success, status, beauty, wealth, and the approval of others.  These rewards may fulfill us for a short time, but they soon led us to a sense of urgency to succeed and the need to be approved of again. 
To meet these compelling needs, we drive ourselves to achieve, doing virtually anything to make people happy with us, and we spend countless hours and dollars trying to look ‘just right.’  Often, we avoid situations and people when the risks of failure and rejection are high.  It’s a rat race that can’t be won by simply running faster.  We need to get off this hopeless treadmill and learn to apply the foundational truths that can motivate us to live for Christ rather than for the approval of other people.
(The above is taken from the introduction to The Search For Significance, by Robert McGee.  The book has now sold over 3M copies. We will graze in the meadow of McGee’s book this week and pick the sweetest of the flowers of truth that God has given him ‘so that’ we may see how significant we are to God.)
Father…I thank you that we are significant to You.  Help us this week to grow in our understanding of Your love, forgiveness, and purposes for our life. Amen

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